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Welcome to the EYFS Virtual School Page

Home Learning

Welcome to the Reception class virtual school page

On this page, you will find links to websites with age appropriate activities for you and your child to do together, if they are needing to self-isolate. You could also find some ideas in the 'helping your child at home' section in this term's curriculum letter. If your child is off from school for more than a few days, please contact Miss Brown for some more personalised learning.

You can now access online Phonics games' reading books and lessons by logging in to your 'Active Learn' account. Look in 'My stuff'.     

Click on the Phonics Bug for further guidance on how to work through a 

Bug Club phonics lesson.



Click on 'Phonics Bug' to take you to the login page.


Counting forwards and backwards to 10.

Listen to the 'Shape song!


Autumn 2021

The 'Shape' song
Counting forwards and backwards up to ten.


Click on the letter 's' to download flashcards and words.

Click on the phonics bug to take you to the login page.

Spring 2021

Hello everyone- we are missing you all very much!

We hope you are enjoying the home learning and managing to complete the daily activities we have set. We would love to see what you have been doing at home so please make sure you email the piece of work we have specifically requested. The activity we would like you to send us will be marked with a star (*) on the timetable. If you have any questions, please email either Miss Brown or Mrs Brooks. 



How many animal sounds can you guess?

Join with the dancing and singing  'If animals could dance' 

Our theme for this half term is 'What a Wonderful World'. Here are some activities to explore! 

Find out about the amazing,  wonderful  and unusual creatures living in our world. The author, Kev Payne talks about his book!

A great song to learn about animals and their habitats. 

Can you guess the habitat?

Find out about different Habitats in the world.

Week beginning Monday 1st March

Learn about different Habitats with the Oak academy

Download the letter to print and write to the zoo.

Chinese Masks

Click on the images to view your wonderful work.
It's Elmer's Day and the elephants are celebrating. Have a look and see if you can spot Elmer?
Click on Brown Bear to see his video.

 We are all special and unique aren't we?


Brown Bear says "Thank you for helping me to get fit and healthy!"

Have a look at the book we have made (click on the image to open the book...)

Spring 1_2021

Week beginning Monday 8th February
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