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Geography - 10th September

As you know, our Theme for this half term is Extreme Earth, and we will be focusing on volcanoes and earthquakes.

We would like you to make a model volcano - this can be out of LEGO, paper, leaves and stones from outside or anything you can find! If you want to, you could just sketch your volcano - here are some photos to help get you started.

Now, have a look at some of these volcano facts below.

We would like you to research some facts about a volcano of your choice. This can be a volcano from the list above, or a volcano you found out about yourself.

You can present this information about the volcano you researched in anyway you like - a PowerPoint, a video, a poster, a collage, a fact file or fact book or a leaflet.

Be as creative as you want, but don't forget to include the key information about where the volcano is located, what type of volcano it is, when/if it last erupted and any key facts you find.

This BBC website might help you -


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