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Team 1 Home/School Learning 26.2.21

Fantastic work making all those shapes yesterday Year 2s. I loved all the imaginative ways you thought of to create them and how some of you spotted shapes in nature too - WELL DONE!

Year 1s you are getting good at counting in 5s (ready for Year 2!!) Super well done.

Today it is Fridaaaaay!

You have done another week of home schooling and my goodness you have smashed it!!

There were so many highlights for me.... the amazing rocket mice shooting around your houses, the creative aliens you thought up with such brilliant adjectives to go with them, the healthy people and healthy plates, the 2D shape making....the list goes on!

Today we would like to see the description of your alien, so please email a photograph to your class teacher.

we would like to say a big thank you grown ups and siblings for supporting our Year 1s and 2s so well, we couldn't do it without you!

Have a great day learning and then enjoy a lovely relaxing weekend - you have ALL earned it, well done.

From all the Team 1 adults xx


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