Today in maths we are focusing on counting forwards and backwards within 50.
Use this counting song to get you warmed up and ready to start today. Remember to pronounce the number names correctly! Click here and get ready to join in.
Now have a look at this video.
You could click here for the power point slides if you would prefer to go at your own pace.
Remember to share your ideas and answers with a grown up.
Finally, I would like you to complete these worksheets.
Grown ups: If your child is finding this work tricky, you could ask them to complete just the first sheet.
I would recommend lots of counting on and back, starting from different numbers and playing 'spot the number' eg can you point to 36 / 24 / 48?
Use this number grid to 50 to support their counting.
Extension challenge:
Can you count on from eg 36 to 45 / 22 to 41 / 39 to 50?
Can you count back from 37 to 25 / 46 to 13?
Will you say the number 28 / 33 / 48?
What number comes after eg 38 / 49 / 21?
What number comes before 17 / 29 / 40?