We were incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to be involved in the Mini Police course run by PC Lindsay Dell from Devon and Cornwall Police. The aim of the Mini Police Programme is to increase trust and confidence of young people and their communities. The Mini Police course focuses on crime prevention including internet safety, anti-social behaviour, road safety and environmental activities. PC Dell came in to speak to children about a variety of topics over a 6-week period, including online safety, water safety, road safety, weapons and antisocial behaviour. Many of these topics also link to the national curriculum. The children were also each given a Mini police baseball cap and a Hi Vis jacket, which they wore each week and were able to take home once they’d finished the course. Below shows what the children learnt about.
Week 1:
In the first week, the children learnt abWeek 1:out all of the different roles within the police and what each role involves. They had the opportunity to look at, and try on, different police uniforms, handcuffs and weapons. The children were able to take part in some role play - either being the criminal or the police officer! During this session, the children were also given high-vis jackets and mini police hats, to keep.
Week 2:
In the second week, the children learnt about water safety, keeping safe around water, knowing what dangers to look out for and who to contact if they are either in danger or see someone else in danger.
They also learnt about finger printing and created their own finger print key ring during the session which they were able to take home.
Week 3:
During the third session, the children learnt all about road safety and importance of road safety. We covered speeding vehicles, travelling safely in vehicles and the consequences of not following the laws of the road. They also had the opportunity to test how fast they could run using a speed gun and had a competition to see who could be the fastest!
Week 4:
During the 4th session, we covered weapons. We looked at different weapons, the legality around them and the risks involved with carrying them or being involved with someone who carries an offensive weapon. We talked about the importance of having a knife amnesty and how to report concerns around someone carrying a weapon.
Week 5:
In the fifth week, PC Lindsay Dell came into school with one of the dog handlers. They came in with their two working dogs (a German Shepard and Cocker Spaniel). We looked at the different roles the dogs had within the police, including tracking missing people, being a deterrent during out-of-control crowds, being trained to stop and detain criminals, tracking drugs and weapons and finding technology (including SIM cards)! The children were able to go outside to watch the dog handler with his German Shepard to track items that he’d hidden, biting his toys as part of his training and demonstrated the difference command words that they used to control the dogs. We then had the opportunity to meet the Cocker Spaniel in the classroom - he was very excitable and jumped all over the tables!
Week 6:
In the final week, we focused on learning about antisocial behaviour, including criminal damage, graffiti, littering, fireworks, etc. We looked at the impact of antisocial behaviour on the community and the consequences of taking part in antisocial behaviour. The children talked to PC Lindsay Dell about peer pressure and joining in with children who are taking part in antisocial behaviour. PC Lindsay Dell talked to the children about how games that can get out of control and can lead to antisocial behaviour. We also looked at who and what could be reported to the police and how to seek support it they are a victim of antisocial behaviour.
We then went outside and took part in drill testing, where the children were able to march to command.
As this was the final session, the children were given a certificate to show that they had completed the Mini Police course.